Training and Awareness

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Industry Certified

One-Step Closer to Digital Security

In the current age, where information and cyber security threat has increased so much, the human factor can create a lot of difference even if your systems are up to date as per the advanced international standards and security solutions. So, training employees on the cyber and information security risks and issues have become mandated nowadays. In fact, training employees are required by most of the legislation and international standards at present. These training programs focus on educating the employees of a company on various laws, regulations, standards and mandates such that they feel empowered enough to work in a digital environment. It also makes the employees aware of different security threats and how to handle them with precision.

Here in InfosecEngine, we take a holistic approach when it comes to providing security awareness training to the employees of your organisation. The training program is designed in such a way that it can enhance the skills and knowledge of the people working in your organization regarding the security threats with respect to the field or discipline. The content of the training course is developed with different practical as well as knowledge-based programs on different compliance measures and standards. We offer role oriented and end-user training which educates employees on the ways to deal with various risks, compliance and regulatory measures. It helps to make the employees more confident in their roles. Thereby, allowing them to perform their duties with much more efficiency and precision.

Making Our Clients Digitally Smart

Our training and awareness program incorporates various factors of the e-security issues on multiple levels to equip the employees in a much better way. Our trainers and educators have years of experience in the field of cyber security and conducting training programs for organizations belonging to different sectors. Thus, they understand how your employees can learn and beware of the risks that lurk in the digital world. We also help your employees to be versed in different regulatory standards and compliance laws. As a result, they can perform much more efficiently without any trouble.

At InfosecEngine, our training and awareness program has been designed in such a way that it redefines the work culture of your organisation for the better. It also helps in creating a much more focused and healthy work environment. Therefore, your employees can perform at their best without being scared of cyber threats or violation of any regulatory standard.